Kirumy Friends (baby toys range)

Kirumy (My first plush toys)

Woodland (wooden baby toys)

Who is Who (Travel Games)

Battleship (Travel Games)

Fantastic Adventure (Travel Games)

Paul's Farm

Pantomime (wooden theater range)

My First Games

DIY games

Giant Puzzles Texture

Evolutive Puzzles Professions

Double Puzzles

Learning Suitcases

Traditional Puzzles

Glitter Puzzles

Glow in the Dark Space puzzle

Observation Puzzle Chef Deluxe

Dinosaur (back to school range)

Happy Fox (Back to school range)

3D Character Design

Deco Stickers_Ballerina

Deco Stickers_Pirata

Wonderful Kids

Packaging & Character design

Branding & Illustration Eurekakids (2012)

Branding & Illustration Eurekakids (2018)

Ecolo Game (Learn to take care of the planet)

Secret Diary